My 2023 Goals

I’ve been setting goals for years using Powersheets*, but we all know that 2020 changed everything. I’m not entirely sure if I used PS in 2021 and last year I waited until Q3 and grabbed their 90 day planner to try something new. While I loved the format of the 90-day planner, I wanted to get back to using the full set of Powersheets this year. They give you 8 categories to “rate” in your life on a scale of 1-10, which helps you jumpstart your goal areas - Finances, Fun/Recreation, Community, Family, Health/Wellness, Home/Spaces, Spiritual/Personal Growth, and Work/Learning - but you don’t have to have goals in each area. You can read about Powersheets and why I love them here!

So let’s dive straight into my overall yearly goals.

Financial: $1000 Emergency fund + Pay off Debt

I can’t believe I’m sharing this number out loud, but I’ve got $32k in lifestyle spending credit card debt. No student loans, no car payment, no mortgage. And the hard pill for me to swallow is that haven’t used those credit cards in over 2 years. A good bit of that is interest and the rest was from about 2016-2019 if my math is right (basically when I left my full time job and then moved back to SC to start my wedding business too). I do have to look back and be proud of what I have already paid off from 2019 until now (thanks stimulus checks and starting to get on the Dave Ramsey train). But then it makes me sick to think it was MORE than what I have now. But grace. I’m giving myself grace for what I did and where I am now. I have made progress and am not accruing any more debt and I’m so proud of that!

What does that look like? I’m going to go pretty intense with following the Dave Ramsey Baby Steps (“BS”). The first Dave Ramsey Baby Step is a $1000 emergency fund (“e-fund”), which I had but then spent buying a washer / dryer for my new apartment and never re-funded. Also, I tend to find myself jumping to Baby Step 2 (putting any extra towards debt), because I want those debts gone! But I’m not going to do that any more. Starting with step 1. Right now there’s $21.24 in that account, so I’ve got a ways to go. I’d love to have that completed by the end of May. Which is about $250 per month into savings. That is a very STRETCH goal, but it’s one I want to aim for.

I also want to get a little ahead on my next months bills, especially the ones due between the 1st - 3rd (rent, insurances, water - about $), so that I’m not waiting on client payments to hit. So I may do this as Baby Step 0.

After the e-fund is…funded, I’d like to have one card paid off in 2023, which is $7,465.97 and has a current minimum payment of $233. Although that fluctuates monthly, that will be the standard I’ll pay and then increase with the extra from saving for the e-fund. I’m estimating I’ll need to pay a little less than $1,000/month to pay it off by December. I’ll have a better idea on this each month as I knock out Baby Steps 0 + 1.

So, how exactly am I going to increase my income by $250-500/month to reach this goal?

  • Well, these affiliate links for one thing! Serious thanks to anyone who shops using my links!!

  • My bridal bouquet embroidery side hustle. Right now I have a good bit more at my $75 rate, and I’ll be tracking those payments too, and then any new ones will be at $145. I don’t think I’ll get to the $145 ones until March but one goal for January is to get as many done as possible! I have about $1275 coming due for those on order, so yea, I need to get these done ASAP! haha

  • I created this Basic Business Breakdown spreadsheet and video tutorial for you! It’s the exact spreadsheet I use to track my income and fixed expenses. I use the Every Dollar app to sync to my bank to track actual spending, and cash envelopes for groceries. It’s $23 but with code NewYear you can get it for $17 through the end of January 2023 (15 @ $17 + $255!). I’ll be posting about it on social and pinterest as well.

  • I also house/dog sit quite frequently.

  • Increasing our closing ratio + sales with Katharine Marie Weddings will also help increase what I pay myself each month.

  • Sticking to using my cash for groceries and limiting my eating out to whatever is left over, or planning my groceries based on dinner plans.

Fun + Recreation

My embroidery bouquets are fun for me, so for now that’s my focus. Plus I can do them while I hang out with friends, so its a win-win.

Also, another thing I can’t believe I’m typing out loud…I’d like to be dating someone this year. I can’t figure out what’s holding me back on apps like Hinge or Bumble, but I’m committed to trying a bit harder this year and looking deeper into why it makes me nervous or insecure. So many brides who come into the boutique say they met through these apps, and I’m like “give me alll the tips” and their advice is to just go for it…but how?!?!? I don’t know.


I really love where I’m at in this area, but I do want to be a little more intentional with my friendships. My goal is to have a friend or 2 over for dinner 1x month.


I’d like to do something “organized” with my dad, step-mom and all siblings 1x month. January is taken care of because we’re doing dinner with my brother’s future in-laws! Hooray!


This is always a hard one…I’d love to be at work out every day and eat super healthy, but also recognize that I’m not that person and may never be. BUT I do know I need to take care of my body more than I do. This looks like being active 3-4x week (walk, workout class, at-home work-out) and eating cleaner. I’m planning to cook at least 1 new recipe per month that’s not a casserole, and I need to start taking daily vitamins!

  • Weekly: Be active 3-4x per week

  • Daily: Take Vitamins (buy them first) & Drink more water than coffee (2-3 of my new Stanley cup).


This is probably the hardest. My house, car and office are a mess always. It doesn’t really bother me until it’s out of control. My office is currently like this, and I’m just ignoring it; my house met my breaking point the week after Christmas; and my car is just a rotating mess! I know my mental clutter will be so much better once I clean all this up, so I’ve broken down each area and should be able to get a good bit done each Sunday after or while meal prepping (at home at least). As I empty some rubbemaids at my house, I’ll be able to transfer stuff in my office from cardboard boxes to those so I can store away in the basement. Here’s what’s on my January list.

  • Re-sort through 4 donation piles and donate them

  • Empty 2 boxes in living room

  • Empty 2 boxes in bedroom

  • Combine 2 boxes in closet into 1

  • Use these boxes for storage stuff at office.

Spiritual/Personal Growth

FINALLY FINISH THE BIBLE RECAP. I started reading through the Bible with the Bible Recap podcast in January 2021. I’ve got 75 “Days” left.

I really enjoyed leading a Bible study at the end of 2022, so I think I’m planning to do one again this spring.

I find that I love pouring out to others, but don’t have a mentor to turn to when I need advice or to call out areas in my life where they see room for improvement. I had this through Radical Mentoring in 2021, but didn’t have one in 2022. A friend filled a part of this in my life, but she’s moved out of state, so I’m asking God to send a woman leader into my life this year.


I do have goals for Katharine Marie Weddings, but I won’t be sharing them here other than being better for my team with publishing their work schedules and training them to help meet our team goals.

Eventually, when I’m debt free, I want to take piano and dance lessons again.